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Environmental benefits, Financial benefits, IT equipment, Refurbished, Save Money -

The environmental and financial benefits of Refurbished Tech. First, let's talk green. When you buy refurbished tech, you're essentially giving used gadgets a second chance at life. These devices are carefully restored and upgraded, reducing the need for new manufacturing. It's a win for the environment because it cuts down e-waste. That's like planting trees for your business's reputation.  Now, the cherry on top – it's budget-friendly. Refurbished tech often costs a fraction of what you'd pay for brand-new gear. You're not just saving the Earth; you're saving your hard-earned cash. Steps to implement a refurbished Tech Policy in your...

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IT equipment, Re.Works, Refurbished -

At Re.Works, we re.furbish laptops, desktops and accessories from the inside out, so you’ll always get an amazing deal! Our IT equipment is completely re.vitalised and tested to ensure you receive optimal performance. When a laptop is produced it uses up some of the earth’s finite natural resources and raw materials. The processes to procure these raw materials produce just over a third of a tonne of carbon dioxide for every new laptop while also using approximately 190 000 litres of water – another vital and limited natural resource. Beyond the fact that our planet may run out of these...

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